Our Mission
Our mission is to provide employment opportunities to women who have been faced with incarceration and need help reintegrating into society and putting their lives back together.
Our Vision
Reentry Center for Women seeks to improve the quality of life for its clients while actively engaging the community to help advocate public policy change within the criminal justice system. These changes will help reduce the female prison population and ultimately keep families together.
Our Values
At the heart of everything we do are our core values. We believe in doing the right thing for our clients and continually emphasize our desire to improve life and increase individual motivation for ex-incarcerated women, while delivering our reentry program to the highest standard and regard for those who rely on us.
We help victims of domestic abuse, human trafficking and more with our series of online support groups. Sign up now and reserve your spot in 2024!
Effective Parenting: Social Media & Teen Girls
The Power of Positive Thinking
Three Big Challenges for Justice Involved Women
Help Create A More Equitable Future For Post- Incarcerated Women
Your donation makes a difference and helps us keep our promise to post-incarcerated women in the Triangle! Every donated dollar helps us further our mission and make our vision a reality.
While our partnerships with business communities throughout the Triangle are priceless, continued support of our Job Readiness program ensures that every post-released woman will have a place within the community as well as a chance to get back on her feet one step at a time.
Reentry Center for Women is a charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Every donated dollar makes a difference in how we advocate for and provide programs to the women who need them. Give as a one-time donation or do so on a regular basis. We thank you and hope that you will continue to support our mission.
How to send a check to Reentry Center for Women:
Reentry Center for Women
PO Box 1902
Cary, North Carolina 27512
Donate to Reentry Center for Women
Your donation can make a life-changing difference in the lives post-incarcerated and justice-involved women in the Triangle
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Submit your tax deductible donation below
Contributions made to Reentry Center for Women are tax-deductible. Please consult with your financial or tax adviser for further information.
Federal Tax ID: 81-1102297
Restoring Hope To Justice-Involved Women
Women offenders have special needs that often are not addressed during incarceration. As a result, transitioning from incarceration can be challenging and even impossible for many.
In 2021, there were roughly 228 women who returned to the Triangle area from state prison and in 2022, that number increased slightly to 232 (NC DPS - Office of Research & Planning, 2023). Also in 2022, there were more than 800 women serving their sentences on community probation throughout the Triangle area. Of both parolees and probationers, more than 80% were mothers of minor children and had the primary responsibility for their care prior to and following incarceration. Ex-incarcerated women are more likely than their male peers to experience higher levels of poverty, homelessness and abuse following a jail or prison term--making the post-prison transition much more difficult.
Research suggests that focusing on the differences between female and male conduits to criminality as well as applying gender-specific interventions, results in more positive outcomes. In the end, the application of specialized practices in criminal justice reform equals greater success for women ex-offenders when attempting to re-establish new pathways to society. It is also proven that the implementation of community-based, gender-responsive practices contributes to lower rates of female recidivism which in turn benefits justice-involved women, their families, the community and society as a whole.